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How Software Is Disrupting The Music Industry
How Software Is Disrupting The Music Industry Insight

How Software Is Disrupting The Music Industry


It seems as though every few months, a new technology device is out on the market. Whether it’s a new tablet, a new laptop, or larger phones, technology continues to innovate machinery forcing us, the public, to adjust. A few years ago, however, company websites failed to receive the memo, thus attempting to cater new technology appearing on the market. More than one website was created for the same product, service or company. This was inevitably time consuming, costly, and a confusing way of attempting to stay relevant. The creation of two URLs, additionally caused problems when establishing rankings and a following for said websites. Thankfully, a new way of staying up-to-date with technology was generated — Responsive Web Design.

Responsive Web Design (RWD) is a type of web design specifically produced for an optimized viewing experience for users, offering facilitated reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning or scrolling across wide-ranging devices. A website designed with RWD adapts its viewing and functionality to that of any device, improving user experiences. With only one website/URL, generating and maintaining an audience can finally be achieved! RWD saves you time by managing one website and save you money by investing in one website creation. By developing a company website using RWD, you will provide yourself with an added advantage— the opportunity to stay ahead of the game, as not many companies recognize the benefits using such design will bring. Your SEO rankings will undeniably improve, as one website will be evaluated as the main source. Most importantly, your positive user experience will generate new users, potentially converting them into customers— increasing your sales ratio, benefiting your business.